Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Violet, Erasmus, your own domain

We started this week early with a Tuesday night music show, but there’s even more to come. On Friday at 8pm ing is performing the last color of their rainbow series, Violet. As always, please dress accordingly and receive a color-coordinated gift in return.

On Saturday at 8pm we have our first-ever musical, Erasmus, starring Joshua Beckman and Tyler Gaston. It’s about Charles Darwin’s grandfather, who Wikipedia tells us designed a rocket engine a hundred years before anyone else, and wrote a book of poems about the reproduction of plants. If that doesn’t deserve to be celebrated in song, we’re not sure what does.

On Sunday at 8pm we’ve arranged for Jason Brown to give a talk on how easy it is to set up your own website. In the spirit of ‘survival of the fittest,’ next month he’ll also be teaching a webhosting bootcamp and intro to hand coding. Designed as an introduction for people with little or no previous experience, these classes will dirty your clean noobie hands with the fertile mud of code. Bring some handiwipes and take notes.

this pony knows CSS, shouldn’t you?

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