Monday, June 4, 2007
Psychobotany Screening, Electronics, & Emily’s Hootenanny

Hi. We were beaming thoughts about homemade spaghetti sauce to our amazingly reactive tomato plants this weekend, when we realized it’s been awhile since we’ve had a basic electronics class. So, we’re having an electronics class. It starts this Sunday. Registration for it is already nearly full, so sign up today, and if there’s enough demand we’ll schedule a second session for sometime in July.

It’s also been awhile since we’ve screened a film by a Japanese horror director about a village in love with a poisonous tree, so please join us for a screening of Charisma on Friday night. This is part of our Psychobotany exhibit, which will be continuing through June 17th.

Sadly, this is also one of the last weekends our friend Emily Lacy will be in LA, so come by on Sunday night starting at 6pm for a farewell hootenanny and musical extravaganza/puppet show.

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