Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Kamau Patton

Glitter, Yoruba headdresses and visions of the Apocalypse meet in Kamau Patton’s exhibit at Machine, opening September 22nd at 8pm. Equal parts religious rite, glam spectacle and public access television show, Kamau’s video installations bring a personal cosmography to bear on existing folk narratives. Literally sitting atop St. James the Janitor’s trash-art throne, Kamau creates work that is simultaneously elaborate and elemental –- folk assemblages by way of Photoshop, as seen on MTV. References collide to create fictional spaces and amended mythologies that draw from sources as varied as modern media aesthetics, to a cult founded by a former gypsy-carnie-magician-priest from Jersey. He interacts with these images as a participant and mediator, and the resulting videos are kaleidoscopic performances that show our world as an accumulation of manipulated symbols, fictions, personal histories and enigmatic codes.

You can see some more images of Kamau’s work here.

Also coming up, somewhat less soon, is the West Hollywood Book Faire. It’s been awhile since we’ve done a faire, and we’ve never been to this one before, but we’re hoping that there’s funnel cake.

And at the end of the month, we’re offering a session of one of our favorite classes, Machine Sewing 101, taught by one of our favorite people, Annie O’Malley! Sign up today.

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