Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Music Friday, mah internetz Saturday, Poetry + Music Sunday

In our experience, there are three things everybody loves: music, the internet, and poems. Miraculously, we have secured all three of these things for this weekend’s events at Machine. First, please join us on Friday November 16th at 10pm for a very special reunion show by the band Voy. It will likely be loud and certainly be awesome.

On Saturday long-time Machine favorite and web wizard Ryan O’Toole is teaching a one-day workshop on setting up your own shared home-brewed wi-fi network — register today and learn how the internet can be used to help build a community.

On Sunday November 18th at 5pm we have more music, + poetry! Dorothea Lasky and Laura Steenberge will be coming to read poems (Dorothea) and sing songs (Laura). Like all events that potentially involve upright basses and poems about schizophrenia and bunnies, it will be a really fun time. We’re very excited.

Also fun is our ongoing Underground Cinema, viewable in the secret gallery. Stop by Machine sometime soon and be sure to look down.


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