Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A month of HERETICS, and a day at LACMA

The first installment of John Hogan’s HERETICS featured Roman Catholic missionaries singing about star-crossed love and mermaid vomit, the Pope in a paper hat with a backup band, and something that can only be described as a hair-rat. And it was amazing! Join us this coming Sunday at 6pm to find out what happens next in this musical mini-series. If you missed the first episode, don’t worry, we’ll catch you up with updates and pictures here, soon:


The Machine Project Field Guide to the LA County Museum of Art is also happening, very, very soon. Really. On November 15th. I’m not kidding. Come out and see us and over 50 of our friends take over the museum and its grounds. We’ll have a bunch of workshops, performances, and presentations all day — details and updates here:


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