Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Micro-Puppetry, and S.M.U.G. 8

Saturday June 26th, 2010

Micro-Monumental Puppetry by Yelena Zhelezov

In the Hammer Museum’s own Little William Theater Yelena will be performing a short 1 minute and 30 second puppet show devoted to monumental sculpture, and one very short 30 second puppet show that considers unusual units of measurement.

Sunday June 27th, 2010

Monthly meeting of the SoCal Max/MSP/Jitter Users Group (S.M.U.G.).

Andrew Pask from Cycling ’74 will present something (which might sound a little mysterious, but you won’t want to miss it). As usual, all welcome. Bring ideas, questions, problems, solutions, projects, patchers, abstractions, externals, whatever. And please get in touch with hoberman at bway dot net if you would like to present something.

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