The Entrancingly Entropic World of Terry Fuckwitt – Jason Torchinsky
Date & Time
March 21, 2014, 8pm
Machine Project

Terry Fuckwitt. The name itself conjures up images of the soaring heights capable of the collective souls of humankind. It’s also a recurring comic in the British semi-low brow humor magazine, Viz.

This event will analyze, frame-by-frame, one particular Terry Fuckwitt comic strip from an over 15-year -old copy of Viz, in an attempt to understand the deep and confounding mysteries within.

There are no clear answers for what lies in those crude inked lines, but every effort will be made, likely via the utilization of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, to determine exactly what is going on in the complex and entrancingly entropic world of the comic.

Also, Terry is total shit-for-brains.