Friday, January 5, 2007
Fabrications and Alterations: Used Garment Couture

Instructors Ellen McCartney and Jessica Hutchins
Feb 11th and 18th (Sundays) 1pm to 4pm

A workshop focusing on making off-the-rack garments unique and have superior fit. Using pre-exisiting garments as a departure we will deconstruct, alter, reshape, refit, renew and transform an ill fitting garment into a well fitted garment. The workshop will involve fabric manipulation, patterning techniques, tailoring to fit and sewing.


Here is a list of required equipment and materials:

1. sewing machine with an extra supply of needles
2. scissors
3. a favored garment you love (and were perhaps tempted to throw out because it’s irreplaceable) and would like to reproduce and/or alter to fit. We will be teaching the students the skills to create a ‘sloper’ (a pattern of the garment) without destroying the original garment. We also encourage you to bring in a garment you love and want to learn simply how to alter it.

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