Dear Friends and Patrons, we have two electronics classes happening very shortly.
This weekend (Saturday September 30th) Machine Director Mark Allen will be teaching a one day workshop entitled A build your own noise thing workshop spectacular. This be focused on using 555 timers to make square wave oscillators. We’ve done this one before and it’s a good time.
Then, starting next weekend (oct 7th), we have a four week class called Spooky Projects – Introduction to Microcontrollers with Aurdino taught by the illustrious Tod E Kurt. If we had known that Tod engineered the hardware and software for robotic camera systems that went to Mars (as well as possessing degrees in physics and electrical engineering from Occidental and Caltech) we would have been too shy to ask him to teach this class. But we didn’t know.
Registration is now open and as usual we expect these classes will fill quickly. We hope that you can join us for one or both of these nerdfests.