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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Garbage Darkness Music Soldering

The Hidden Life of Garbage
8pm Friday March 16th

Join us as author Heather Rogers reveals the hidden life of garbage. The talk based on her book, Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage, will take us through the surprisingly brief history of the trash heap. Topics covered will include: rat-eating dog armies, Rikers Island, exploding gases, and Ladybird Johnson.


Acousmatic Camera Obscura – Ezra Buchla
Saturday March 17th – sometime in the afternoon

Our inexplicable habit of trying to make our sun-filled storefront pitch black in mid-day continues Saturday, as Ezra Buchla will be transforming the gallery into a Camera Obscura.


on recapturing
8pm Saturday March 17th

a musical gathering with ezra buchla, corey fogel, erika anderson, brian crabtree, and friends.

tagwords: monome, ex-mae shi, gowns, friends who moved north, reverse turning test.


basic soldering workshop with noise thing
1-5pm (ongoing) Saturday March 17th

We made a fun noise circuit kit to teach people soldering at the art fair, and we’ve got some left. Do you want to come learn to solder and make something which produces cute/horrid sounds? $15 covers materials and some semi-attentive team teaching. Show up any time between 1pm and 5pm with $15 and expect to leave smart, happy and only slightly poorer an hour or so later. No pre-registration required but it wouldn’t hurt to email us and let us know you’re coming.



ps. bring your friends and drinks if you want

pps. office hours with kelli and brian saturdays from 10am to 1pm

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