Dear friends,
We’ve completely sterilized every surface after the meat cloning visit with SymbioticA and we now feel comfortable in inviting you back for more entertainment. This Thursday Dec 6th at 8pm we have an experimental folk music showcase, with pie. Sunday Dec 9th at 5pm we’re excited to welcome Mark Dresser for a performance/lecture on extending the sonic and musical possibilities of the double bass through the use of unconventional amplification. You’ll have to bring your own pie for that one. Finally, we have about five spots left in our introduction to electronics via circuit bending class with Phil Sterns. Please join us!
Experimental Folk Music Mix
8pm Thursday Dec 6th
Please join us for a diverse selection of experiemental folk music. Featuring…
Ryan Fuller
Julie Carpenter
Laura Steenberge
Ruthann Friedman
Pilar Diaz
Also featuring extra special guest pie
Mark Dresser – Spectral Delivery
5pm Sunday Dec 9th
The excavation of musical possibilities from the double bass is the subject of Mark Dresser’s lecture/demo/performance. Exploring the micro details of string vibration through improvisation, recording, analysis, codification, and composition has led to the development of a custom made electro-acoustic pick-up system and a rich body of music. Expect minutiae and the macro view through musical, acoustic and metaphoric lenses. We expect this to be both loud and informative.
This link goes to more information on Spectral Delivery
Intro to Electronics and Circuitbending with Phil Stearns
Saturday, December 8, 2007
12pm – 6pm (w/ a break for lunch)
$85, materials included. Registration now open, space limited.
If learning electronics is fun, learning electronics by hacking stuff into making odd sounds is extra fun.