Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Living Kitchen lecture and walk with Nance Klehm

1pm Sunday February 10th

Do you like to cook with others? Are you wondering what to do with your cabbage/apples/dandelions? Are you curious about foraging for wild plants?

Join Nance Klehm at Machine Project for a month of food-making workshops, an introductory forage and a presentation on her project Living Kitchen.

Living Kitchen is a series of informal cooking workshops that reorganize our connection to land, ourselves and our communities through the processing and sharing of local and regional foods. In these workshops, we use foods that are locally cultivated, as well as foraged in order to foster exploration of our environ and our relationship with what’s growing around us. Living Kitchen is about direct experience with what’s living and growing around us, new tastes, simple food-making processes, and sharing with others.

On Sunday February 10th, Nance will lead a foraging walk for salad greens, come back to Machine and make and share a salad while presenting some of her recent projects.

In the following weeks she’ll offer classes in making cheese, wine, and pickling that will all be accompanied by a shared light meal with her students. Details here.

Nance Klehm is a grower, forager and artist with experience making cheese, brews, miso and other ferments. Her ‘Neighborhood Orchard’ involves neighbors growing on various urban sites (‘vacant’ lots, backyards, transportation corridors) and bartering between one another for services and food. She actively collects food waste and community composting. On occasion she barters produce and fruit with local restaurants for meals.

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