Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Monthly Dorkbot this Saturday, Real-life Superheroes and Jam next weekend


We’re still clearing out the fake fires and cardboard waves from last week’s adventures, but our summer continues with more events in the next week:

This Saturday July 26th is the monthly Dorkbot meeting. Featured this month are machine vision, sonic absurdity, and electro-mechanical creatures.

-> /build/engine/2008/07/03/dorkbot30

Then next Saturday, August 2nd, please join us for a presentation by Josh Bearman on the real and true exploits and foibles of real life superheroes, who, just as it seems, are people who fight crime in costume.


Finally, summertime means the annual Fruit Jam is upon us — come with fruits or gather some from the neighborhood with us, and make some jam with the Fallen Fruit Collective on Sunday, August 3rd.

-> /build/engine/2008/05/27/jammy-jam-08

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