4th of July Freezebq!
Date & Time
July 4, 2009, 4pm–6pm
Machine Project

You are cordially invited to Machine Project’s Fourth of July Freeze-B-Q Members Party!

One of our most popular events every year is the annual Fry-B-Q holiday party, where we encourage one and all to come and deep-fry anything and everything edible. But the holiday season is still months away, and we don’t want to have to wait that long to see you. And so, we bring you the first annual Fourth of July Freeze-B-Q Members Party!

Developed by popsicle scientists at MIT, the Freeze-B-Q is like the Fry-B-Q except you should bring anything and everything you want to freeze. Bring fruits, veggies, juices, packaged lunches, etc, and Machine Project staff, dressed in labcoats, will blend your ingredients together, then freeze the blend into a popsicle using liquid nitrogen. You eat it! Then repeat! To be immediately followed by the Porch of July, a free, open-to-the-public folk music singalong and celebration.

It’s summer, everybody loves popsicles, and liquid nitrogen is exciting!