Two shows!
This Friday night, please join us for a Dead Author Reading, our first co-production with 826LA. Come see Henry David Thoreau reading and discussing Walden with Ralph Waldo Emerson, at one of two performances.
Please bring blankets or something else to sit on!
Due to trees, space is limited. If you RSVP but can’t come after all, please email us at as soon as you can, so someone else can join us. Thanks!
(If an event you really want to go to is full, you can keep checking back in case more space opens up, or come by the night of the event and sign up on a waitlist at the door. All guests who successfully RSVP, please arrive no later than 5 minutes before showtime, or your spot might be given away. Or if you know you’re running late, please call 213.483.8761 to make sure we hold your reservation. Thanks!)