This Week at the Hammer
COMING UP! Join an 8-week session of group therapy and needlepoint. More information on how to apply, here: Group Therapy and Needlepoint at the Hammer
Thursday April 29: 6-9 PM (free admission)
LIVE MUSEUM SOUNDTRACKS: If (like us) you’ve always dreamed of being followed around a museum by a guitarist only you can hear, now is your chance. From 6-9 you can check out Eric Klerks or Dylan McKenzie to provide a live audio soundtrack to your viewing experience. One person at a time, first come first served. Free. Curated by Chris Kallmyer.
Sunday May 2: All day!
A Hammer Dream-In will be wrapping up from a long night sleeping in the Museum. On Sunday, museum patrons may encounter dream reenactments, workshops, and napping music during their visit.
In conjunction with the Dream-In, we will be holding a Nap-In in Hammer’s Lindbrook Terrace from noon to 5pm. Come hang out while live musicians play relaxing music for you to nap by.
Performances by:
- 12 to 1:00pm // Jaeger Smith
- 1 to 2:00pm // Emily Lacy
- 2 to 3:00pm // nap to a Red Book Lecture
- 3 to 4:00pm // Ambient Force 3000
- 4 to 5:00pm // Yvette Holzwarth, Daniel Corral, and Ryan Tanaka
In the Little William Theater, Joshua Beckman and Anthony McCann will be reading poetry in two minute increments.