There’s nothing going on in the gallery this weekend other than classes, so please enjoy a short break from live programming and enjoy these recent videos from our Vimeo channel:
-> #2 – a velodrome built at Pomona College by Sam Starr
-> #4 – Dream Re-enactments from the Hammer Dream-In
Coming up soon, you can give your houseplant a vacation during our August Cultural Retreat for Plants at the Hammer Museum. Throughout the entire month your tired plants will be installed in the light-flooded Linbrook Terrace, and presented with a series of readings, performances and musical events for plants. Plant portraiture provided by Lisa Anne Auerbach.
The drop off date will be July 31, and the pick-up will be on August 29. Please e-mail machine@machineproject.com with the subject line ‘PLANT VACATION’ to tell us if you are planning to bring in your plant for a westside vacation.