Friday, April 2nd at 8:00 pm
How did the seventeenth century make its best comets?
Come join us on Friday at 8pm when art historian Matthew Hunter (Caltech) and philosopher of science Roman Frigg (London School of Economics) present footage of an experiment they’ve recreated in the lab — a seventeenth century experiment making a sulfuric acid-based model of comet anatomy, devised by seventeenth century experimental philosopher Robert Hooke. Fun!
-> /build/engine/events/2010/04/02/comet
Also this weekend at the Hammer – CHEESE!
Saturday, April 3rd from 1-4 pm // Little William Theater
Chris Kallmyer presents his project FERMENT; a collaboration with cheese-maker, Sue Conley of the Cowgirl Creamery. Incorporating field recordings of John Taverna’s Dairy and the Cowgirl’s facilities, Chris examines the process of cheese-making from agriculture to affinage. Spatialized sound in the Little William Theater with samples of artisanal cheese. [Mt. Tam and Devil’s Gulch to be featured.]