At the Hammer Museum
Saturday, July 17th
11am to 6pm
As part of Machine’s residency at the Hammer Museum this year, we’re inviting the public to participate in a day-long sound installation by Chris Kallmyer on July 17th. The work is composed of the sound of visitors wearing bells issued to them upon arrival and walking through museum spaces. Bell related sound pieces will take place throughout the day, including circulating ice cream carts, an animatronic Bell Santa Gamelan in the museum’s coatroom, a solo amplified-bell performance, and an African bell ensemble.
Admission to the museum will be free of charge to all participants.
-> /build/engine/events/2010/07/17/bell-day
Also this weekend!
Visual Effects Workshop: Green Screen for Beginners
With Chad Goei. Saturdays July 17th, 24th, & 31st, 2010. Register here!
Parent-Child Introduction to Processing Class
With Kate Hollenbach and Lauren McCarthy. Saturdays July 17th, 24th, & 31st, 2010. Register Here!