Ezra Buchla begins the first night of a 4-week residency this Thursday, January 13th at 8pm. We’re not exactly sure what’s gonna happen, but are almost certain that dolphins and interdimensional communication are involved. More info here.
On the weekend of January 15th & 16th we welcome Handball Fever Weekend 2011!
On Sunday, January 16th at 12pm noon, come to Machine to learn about the history of ball-making — materials, techniques, and uses — and then make your own ball out of scavenged materials with guest artist Carlin Wing.
A simultaneous crochet-your-own-ball workshop will be taught by Cheryl Cambras for a limited number of students. The crochet workshop is open for advance registration here, but the lecture and scavenged ball-making activities are free with no RSVP required.
Cheryl will also be teaching an additional Crocheted Fingerless Glove Workshop on Saturday January 15th at noon. Limited enrollment, all materials included. Your fingerless gloves will be perfect for playing handball in cold weather on Sunday, or even just using an iPhone to play a handball app. $30 Members, $40 Non-members, register here.
Corina Haywood is teaching a winter session of her one-day workshop, Intro to Millinery: Fascinators, on Saturday January 22nd. Register here.
Also, we’re looking for an intern! Specifically one to help us wrangle our internets. Application deadline is Feb 1st, more info here.