Hi! We need an intern to help with internet stuff.
The internship starts the second week of February and lasts for 3 months. Unpaid, but with occasional pizza and/or fried chicken lunches, and course credit if you’re in school. If you’re interested, please email michele@machineproject.com by February 1st, 2011 with your resume including description of skills, and a short letter explaining your interest in working at Machine. Interviews will be scheduled for the first week of February with the intern starting the following week.
Online Intern
Executive Director (Mark Allen), Operations Manager (Michele Yu), and Machine Webmaster/Consigliere (Jason Brown)
Ongoing duties would include cleaning up data on the backend of our website, updating social media profiles for Machine Project, and working with our Events Intern to promote classes and events via online postings.
Some experience with webpages and services like Flickr, Vimeo and Facebook are recommended, though some training will be available.
Special projects include putting up and maintaining our Ustream.com webcam feed, as well as reorganizing our wiki bulletin board system for internal project planning.
Work can be done off-site/from home for the most part, though we’ll ask you to come in to the gallery at least once every week or two.
Please poke around our website to familiarize yourself — we run it using WordPress: http://www.m.loc/engine
Ideally our online intern will work in close communication with our current Events Intern (position already filled) who will be helping to plan and produce events and classes at Machine.