January 23rd – February 26th, 2011
Show times + dates below, click the links to RSVP.

What if art could have a measurable function in the world? What if people outside the scope of academia had the resources to practice sound, scientific research? Lay Science, a collaboration between Eric Lindley and Katie Shook, is an exploration into the literal use-value of art, and a critique of institutionalized scientific research.
It is also a short puppet musical.
Lay Science integrates common, contemporary scientific techniques with experimental art-making to combine the two fields into a rich, participatory exploration into how the integration of human activities like art and science can open up dialogue and stimulate progress in each field. Participants — anyone who would like to visit Machine Project from late January through late February, 2011 — are invited to view a short, private puppet show and take a survey, so that Katie and Eric can gather data for scientific analysis.
The show itself is a short, private puppet performances by Katie and Eric, which will be done for one audience member at a time. The viewer will be immersed in a complete, surreal musical and visual environment, in a small enclosure within the gallery, as Katie and Eric make a unique performance for that person alone, about the inhabitants of a small country house that has been washed out to sea.
In addition to the experiment, guest speakers on related scientific fields and artwork will be invited for talks. Also, stay tuned for information on the final presentation of data and conclusions at the end of February.
Each show is designed for one, and just one, audience member at a time. Please reserve your spot in advance for this short puppet play to guarantee a spot by following the RSVP links below.
Walk-in participants are highly encouraged as well, if you happen to be in the area on weekday evenings or during the weekend. We suggest that if you want to just drop by, you call ahead to the gallery a little bit ahead of time, at 213.483.8761, just to check we’re in.
The play will be performed numerous times on each listed show night. Each show will last under 20 minutes. Please arrive a few minutes early and wait in the Machine Project gallery for your appointment time.
The puppet theater is above the gallery in our residency apartment. When your appointment time arrives, someone will lead you upstairs. We’ll let you know when you arrive if we are running late.
Please click your desired date below. This will take you to an RSVP page where you can reserve a specific time slot on that date.
Friday, Feb 4 (Opening Night) — 7:30-10:30pm
Saturday, Feb 5 — 8-10pm
Monday, Feb 7 — 6-9pm
Wednesday, Feb 9 — 5-7pm
Saturday, Feb 12 — 1-4pm, 7-10pm
Sunday, Feb 13 — 1-5pm
Wednesday, Feb 16 — 5-7pm
Friday, Feb 18 — 7-11pm
Saturday, Feb 19 — 1-4pm, 7-10pm
Sunday, Feb 20 — 1-4pm, 6-8pm
Monday, Feb 21 — 6-9pm
Wednesday, Feb 23 — 5-7pm
CLOSING NIGHT: Saturday, February 26th, 8pm. No RSVP required.
Eric Lindley — Experimental Design, Script, and Music
Katie Shook — Physical Objects and Movement
Uniforms: Susanna Battin
Lighting: Kristy Baltezore
Design and building of small houses, object consultant: DanRae Wilson
Sets, objects: DanRae Wilson and Katie Shook
Video Installation: Aleigh Lewis
Graphic design: Florencio Zavala
Lab Assistants: Laura Steenberge, Stephen van Dyck, Heather Monley, Kari Seekins, Emily Wilkerson, Hope Thurman, and others….
special thanks:
Barnacle Brothers
Caitlin Lainoff
DanRae Wilson
David Wilson
Susan Simpson
Tom Leeser
Tom Watkins