Monday, July 16, 2012
Machine This Week: July 17th – 21st

EVENT : Trash Myths: hippie trash pits and other things you can dig up.
Tuesday, July 17th at 8pm.
This lecture by Annie Danis will explore stories from the New Buffalo Archeological project, whose excavations at a New Mexico commune site have recently unearthed objects that complicate the history of the commune movement of the 1960s and 70s. From beer cans to breast cream, pennies to panties, artifacts of the contemporary past are not always what they seem.
WORKSHOP : How to Transform your Studio Practice, Using a Design Process: A Workshop.
Saturday, July 21st from 12 – 3pm
Clive Dym, design engineer/professor, and Miriam Dym, artist-industrialist, would like to help you think about how you can use (or at least explore) a formal design process to make things or to develop processes. We invite you to bring a project or a process of your own to this workshop. Dym and Dym will introduce design and problem solving techniques and some of their systematic approaches. (While a project or process is not required — we can supply you with one or you can assist another participant — we think you’d get more out of this if we can help you make progress on a problem of your choosing, as opposed to solving a “toy problem” that we provide.)
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