Jibade-Khalil Huffman
Date & Time
March 15, 2013, 8pm
Machine Project

“A Novella and Stories”

Artist and writer Jibade-Khalil Huffman presents a screening of recent text/image projects. Making use of the subtitle, these poems, in the form of slideshows/moving pictures, translate the varieties of the absurd into poetry. Huffman will present several long form slide works and will read fragments of a novel in progress in the otherwise uncomfortable moments in between pieces when someone is changing the carousels and re-focusing the projector.

Jibade-Khalil Huffman is the author of “19 Names For Our Band” (Fence, 2008) and “James Brown Is Dead” (Future Plan and Program, 2011). His art and writing projects have been exhibited and performed at MoMA/P.S.1, Southern Exposure, The Poetry Project at St. Marks Church, Public Fiction, The Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Art and Night Gallery, among others. He lives and works in Los Angeles.