Sign up now for our Sound Synthesis class, starting this Saturday! This class will present the theoretical fundamentals of sound synthesis with a view towards applications in music and sound design. The electronic synthesis of audio signals is a wonderful combination of mathematics (harmonic analysis and linear differential equations) and electrical engineering (analog and digital signal processing). And even though the phrases “harmonic analysis” and “linear differential equations” sound super intimidating, participants don’t need any previous mathematical or programming experience — just some headphones, a laptop with with an installation of free SuperCollider software, and a love of music.
Registration is $225 for members / $250 for non-members. Visit the following link for more information about the class, and to sign up: /build/engine/archive/classwork/2013/08/03/sound-synthesis-class-3/
Fiona Connor and Andy Gohlich are exhibiting a suite of photographs and sculpture. The works will be installed in and around Sidehill Viaduct located 4 miles up the 2 from the 210 freeway. The show will only exist for a day and will be accompanied by a poster and texts generated from Connor and Gohlich’s research.
Carpooling and comfortable walking shoes are recommended; please be safe and courteous with other drivers, motorcyclists, and cyclists on the 2.
Click here for more information about this project and for a map of the location.
This event is part of Machine Project’s Field Guide to L.A. Architecture.