Monday, March 17, 2014
EVENT : The Entrancingly Entropic World of Terry Fuckwit – Jason Torchinsky
Friday, March 21st at 8pm
This event will analyze, frame-by-frame, one particular Terry Fuckwitt comic strip from an over 15-year-old copy of Viz, in an attempt to understand the deep and confounding mysteries within. EVENT : Tom Leeser: Machine Project Artist in Residence for a Day
Saturday, March 22nd from 12-5pm
Tom Leeser will be the Machine Project Artist in Residence for a Day on Saturday, March 22. As part of the residency, Tom will be inhabiting the Machine Project Project Space for Projects to work, read, listen and conduct conversation. Visitors who wish to interact with Tom through the act of sharing, exchanging or conversing can visit him during the hours of 12noon and 5pm. MYSTERY THEATER : Video, Solo Trombone and Electronics – A Collaboration by Tom Leeser and Matt Barbier
Saturday, March 22nd at 8pm
Seating is extremely limited and by advance purchase only. No late seating.
Tickets are $9 for members // $15 for non-members
Tom Leeser and composer and trombonist Matt Barbier present a performance of video, spoken word and solo trombone, featuring new work by both artists. EVENT : Machine Project Book Sale Fundraiser
Sunday, March 23rd, member preview from 10-11am, open to the public 11-4pm
This year we are trying some different ways to extract money from you through our book sale fundraiser. Come by to shop for some books. One of these books may be entitled “The Specialist Investigates Your Glands”. EVENT : Out of Sight, Out of Mind Closing Reception
Sunday, March 23rd, 6-9pm
Join us for the closing of Out of Sight, Out of Mind, our first group exhibition. Set in the Machine Project Project Space for Projects, the show features artists who use geometry and abstraction to create optical investigations, instigate perceptual play, and generate sensorial complexities while nodding to the art historical precedent of the Op Art movement.
Machine this Week : March 21st – 23rd

This event will analyze, frame-by-frame, one particular Terry Fuckwitt comic strip from an over 15-year-old copy of Viz, in an attempt to understand the deep and confounding mysteries within.
Tom Leeser will be the Machine Project Artist in Residence for a Day on Saturday, March 22. As part of the residency, Tom will be inhabiting the Machine Project Project Space for Projects to work, read, listen and conduct conversation. Visitors who wish to interact with Tom through the act of sharing, exchanging or conversing can visit him during the hours of 12noon and 5pm.
Seating is extremely limited and by advance purchase only. No late seating.
Tickets are $9 for members // $15 for non-members
Tom Leeser and composer and trombonist Matt Barbier present a performance of video, spoken word and solo trombone, featuring new work by both artists.
This year we are trying some different ways to extract money from you through our book sale fundraiser. Come by to shop for some books. One of these books may be entitled “The Specialist Investigates Your Glands”.
Join us for the closing of Out of Sight, Out of Mind, our first group exhibition. Set in the Machine Project Project Space for Projects, the show features artists who use geometry and abstraction to create optical investigations, instigate perceptual play, and generate sensorial complexities while nodding to the art historical precedent of the Op Art movement.