EVENTS: Episodes in the Life of Bounce
Sunday, November 8th // Workshop 1-4pm, Lecture at 5pm
Join artist and former professional squash player Carlin Wing, on Sunday, November 8th at Human Resources in Chinatown, for two new episodes in the life of bounce. From 1-4pm Carlin with assistance from Luke Fischbeck of Lucky Dragons will lead a Live Ball Orchestra. Participants are invited to BYO-Bouncing Balls as we use the properties of bounce to explore the architecture of Sabrina Chou’s exhibitionHR at Human Resources. We will explore the aural characteristics of bouncing objects, test the range of acoustic relationships between ball and surface, and experiment with building tonal and rhythmic arrangements.
At 5pm we’ll head over to the bleachers at Human Resources for Episodes in the Life of Bounce, an illustrated talk by Carlin about the history of rubber as the foundational material of modern sport. I don’t understand how when the balls hit the ground they are sent into the air with such incredible bounce. Organized with Cabinet magazine.
EVENTS: Photography Is Magic at Machine!
Sunday, November 22nd // 1-3pm
Join Charlotte Cotton at Machine Project on Sunday, November 22nd for a signing of her book Photography is Magic, accompanied by Patrick Michael Ballard and the cast of RETURN TO FOREVERHOUSE. Conceived by Charlotte while in residence at Machine Project in 2012 and 2013, Photography is Magic is a survey of over 80 contemporary artists who are recalibrating the idea of photography. Come by to pick up a signed copy, and pay a visit to your favorite mustachioed latex puppets in FOREVERHOUSE.
Now through December 14th
Speaking of RETURN TO FOREVERHOUSE, there’s still plenty of time to check it out! Presented by the esteemed Patrick Michael Ballard, visitors in groups of up to six people are invited to explore this enigmatic installation that is not quite living room, and not quite children’s TV show set. With only an hour to solve the mysteries of FOREVERHOUSE and return this once great variety show to it’s former glory, an extensive cast of human and non-human creatures and characters will help and hinder your progress as the mysteries deepen. Will our intrepid explorers triumph, or wither and flatten in the sands of time… Tickets are now on sale for individual and group shows here.