Date & Time
March 1, 2015, 5pm–7pm
Machine Project
$35 for members
$40 for non-members

Come learn how to make your own miso in a hands-on workshop that demystifies the fermented soybean product. Participants will learn how rice innoculated with the mold Aspergillus Oryzae turns soybeans into a versatile umami-rich food.

The class will make a batch of shiro (white) miso, that matures over a period of a few weeks. You will also learn how to make shio-koji, an enzyme rich seasoning agent that can be used to make pickles, season dishes and much more. Participants will take home a kit of all the ingredients needed to make their own miso at home, as well as discover the most unusual application for miso you could possible imagine.

Thanks to Miyako Oriental Foods, Inc. for donating Koji.