Machine Project Mystery Theater Productions presents! An evening of whirling vocal works by Jaap Blonk and Carmina Escobar.
Three pieces will encompass the concert: Vibrant Islands by Jaap Blonk; Voz Contenedor//Cuerpo Ave by Carmina Escobar; and a whirlwind improvising collaboration of these two voices.
Vibrant Islands (2015) by Jaap Blonk
A cycle of 9 pieces for acoustic vocal performance. Each movements consists of a number of “islands” containing phonetic signs, many of which were invented by Jaap Blonk using his personal extension of the International Phonetic Alphabet: BLIPAX (BLonks IPA eXtended).
Voz Contenedor // Cuerpo Ave (2016) by Carmina Escobar
A poetic sonic sculpture with that transduce and translate the voice into light.