Investigative Practices 101
with Anne Elizabeth Moore
Date & Time
October 1, 2016, 1:00pm–4:00pm
Machine Project
$20 for members
$25 for non-members

Seeking skeptics, snoops and sleuths! Suspicious of a local billionaire art & charter-school philanthropist, the real estate developer bulldozing the block across the street, or the sketchy gallerist with the massage parlor fortune?

Introducing: Investigative Practices 101 on Saturday, October 1st from 1-4pm, a workshop for amateur investigators, hosted by artist and investigative journalist Anne Elizabeth Moore.

In this three hour workshop, participants will be introduced to the basic tools for pursuing journalistic investigations of their own, from basic conduct including how to formulate initial questions, conduct phone interviews, and identify involved parties. Participants will also be introduced to a set of resources to help researchers establish basic credentials, file records requests, locate relevant documents and more. Robber barons beware.