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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
An Introduction to Programming

An Introduction to Processing
A brief lecture, a conceptual overview, q&a and donut swap featuring Casey Reas
5pm Sunday April 17th
Machine Project
1200 D North Alvarado Street, Los Angeles

Please join us for a late afternoon discussion of Processing by Casey Reas, Processing co-inventor. There will be limited snacks and the possiblity of beer. Examples of work created with Processing by Mr Reas can be found on his website. This lecture is in anticipation of the Processing workshop starting at Machine April 24th

You: “Hey, what is processing anyway?”
Us: Well, you could come to the talk and find out, but if you can’t wait here’s a hint…

Processing is a programming language and environment built for the media arts and design communities. It is created to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context and to serve as a software sketchbook. It is used by students, artists, designers, architects, and researchers for learning, prototyping, and production. More information on Processing can be found at www.processing.org

This event is free and open to the public

p1 p2 p3

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