Sunday, November 26, 2006
Quartz Composer

Quartz Composer – Make your own interactive audio/video tools
Instructor Surya Buchwald. Dec 10th and 17th 12-4pm
class closed

Materials needed: Mac laptop running OS X 10.4 or newer with Developer Tools installed.

Quartz Composer is is a development tool provided with Mac OS X v10.4 for processing and rendering graphical data. In the words of Apple…

<begin hyperbole>
Quartz Composer is a groundbreaking graphics development environment that allows you to explore the incredible power of the graphics stack of Mac OS X Tiger. With Quartz Composer, you can easily combine the capabilities of Cocoa, Quartz 2D, Core Image, OpenGL, and QuickTime, all using an approachable visual programming paradigm. Use Quartz Composer to prototype Core Image filters, build engaging screen savers, create custom user-interface widgets, make data-driven visual effects, and even perform live performance animations

We think it’s neat and easy, and besides it comes free with the Mac OS. We’ll begin by modifying existing programs, and then proceed to creating our own awesome sound and video control pieces. The first meeting will be an intensive tutorial, the second meeting will be assisted work on independent projects based on what we learn in the first meeting.

class outline

more about Quartz Composer

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