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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Berkeley Art Museum

    Machine Project is participating in Berkeley Art Museum’s L@TE program; a friday night series of music, art, performance, and lectures. You can swing by, grab a drink, sit on a giant orange bleacherthing designed by Thom Faulders, and check out our events.

    Admission is $7; free for BAM/PFA members and Cal students. Because of the nature of these events, there is the potential that the attendance could be capped, so please reserve tickets online if you’d like to ensure that you get in.

  • May 6, 2011 // 7:30pm to 9pm

    Jason Brown, Colin Dickey, and Jason Torchinsky will deliver presentations on pre 1860 automobiles, the death of Saint Teresa of Avila, the Phantom Time Hypothesis and the New Chronology, and the possibility of a noospheric emergent form beyond the realm of direct human perception, using humanity itself as substrate and system. Jason, Jason and Colin switch at random every two minutes (think tag team wrestling) according to the command of a lecture swap algorithm running in real time on a vintage apple IIc.These presentations will be accompanied by incidental musical performances, including j.frede and his wine-glass drone ensemble, and underwater recordings of the San Francisco Bay.

    Check out more information on Triway Hyperlecture Cage Match (with musical accompaniment) here!

  • Past Berkeley Events

  • April 29, 2011 // 6pm to 9pm

    FERMENT[cheese] is a multi-media concert/presentation/tasting exploring milk’s leap into immortality. The evening will feature a milk-to-cheese tasting accompanied by field recordings of cows eating grass, curd draining, cheese aging, and oral history with local dairyman, John Taverna. Within this environment, Chris Kallmyer will create site-specific and dispersed sound works with the experimental ensemble, TempWerks. At 7:30 Sue Conley will speak about the art of cheese making, and the sustainable qualities of artisan and farmstead agriculture. Through an immersive sound environment we invite visitors to more fully experience the fermented arts. FERMENT[cheese] is a collaboration between Sue Conley, co-founder of Cowgirl Creamery and Machine Project Sound Curator, Chris Kallmyer.

    Check out more information on FERMENT[cheese] here!

  • February 25, 2011 // 7pm to 9pm

    Confuse-a-tron is a Machine Project workshop mashup– not for the faint of heart! The evening will feature simultaneous drop-in sessions on making kimchi, converting melons into amplified drums, plant cloning, and the application (and styling) of tranimal drag makeup. In other words: come clone a plant while eating kimchi, listening to watermelon-drum-music, and wearing tranimal-drag makeup.

    REQUEST: Please bring your own plant cuttings for plant cloning, and succulent quilts!

    Check out more information about the Workshop Confusatron here.

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