A psychedelic light show and image intensifier
12:01–1:01 AM July Fourth (that’s late Sunday night)
Machine Project

bald rounded hills
limbs alone against colorless skies
a dusty haired man
mixes his tears with the wind
shredded standard of defeat
a broken guitar by his feet
his song consumed in flame
please understand
he cries woven silk
wrapped in milk of his music
blood on dirt
tall and true on a quest without boundaries he was
always letting nature come before
waving his battle worn body
all threats come to mind
saluting them
he knows not why
they would tear him apart
for a touch
a dim star followed
to the rainbow’s end
over on the edge
where he cries
there is nowhere to follow
wherever it will be
come along
finding nowhere is lonely
come along the parted desert skin
pass your body through
the single fate it has to fit
brother beings step aside
showing you
life leading you
through a desert planet*
* poem adapted from over on the edge, by george paul csicsery