Glow Festival at the Santa Monica Pier
Cardinal Directions
Opening Ceremony at colorado at ocean, then throughout Santa Monica
Casey Anderson, Brendan Carn, Mark So, and Mike Winter will premiere four new works by Anderson simultaneously while wandering the Glow Festival: CARDINAL DIRECTIONS for four, IDLE CHATTER for speakers, VARIOUS IMPULSES for Drums or Metal, and RESTLESS PIECES for iPods. Starting from the intersection of Ocean and Colorado at the end of the Opening Ceremony.
Wandering Musicians: Killsonic
all of Santa Monica
Killsonic will wander the streets of Santa Monica from the pier to third street from dusk to 3am. They will be engaging with the people, architecture, sounds, and social structures in the streets in Santa Monica. To find them, listen.
Check out more information about Killsonic on their website.
Nautical Music Encampment
North of the Santa Monica Pier, on the beach.
At the Nautical Music Encampment you will find a seven hour concert of ocean-themed music that will be performed around an artificial campfire. Sailor music, pirate music, boat music in general, mermaid music including siren music, and a little bit of angry cook music will be among the many genres of ocean-themed music our guests can expect to hear. The performances and loose theatrics of the evening will be co-curated by Laura Steenberge and Emily Lacy.
Carousel Concerts
Santa Monica Pier Carousel
Visit us at the carousel and find 8 hours of performances, installations, and poetry readings revolving at 4 1/2 rpm’s. Throughout the evening you will find different approaches to making music on, by, and for a carousel. The night includes a brass band performing live carousel music, an accordion orchestra, poets reading Kafka, live electronic music, and the percussion music of Steve Reich.