March 31-April 18, 2010
Machine Project was invited to be in residence for three weeks at the Contemporary Art Museum St Louis. Components of the Machine Project exhibition are as follows:
Working with ideas of physical auditory signal and temporal delay, Machine Project member and LA-based artist Emily Lacy creates musical environments daily, during the exhibition.
Learn how to make your own sauerkraut and kimchi according to traditional German and Korean recipes, led by chef John Judy, from St. Louis’ own L’Ecole Culinaire.
Visit the Contemporary and drop your name in the raffle box to win a Musical Trip to the Dentist with Machine Project’s Emily Lacy.
Machine Project artist Paul Morgan designed and hand silkscreened a wallpaper pattern which was then installed in the Front Room gallery. Also available as a limited edition print which you can also order online from the Machine Project Shop for $15 plus tax/shipping.